Healthy Soils Produce a Healthy Business…
Our family has been producing mint oil for over half of a century. We believe that an increased investment in creating healthy soils will produce better returns for our family as well as increasing the value of the landlord’s farm.
We Develop Healthy Soils By:
Land shaping to eliminate ponding and gullies
Tiling in conjunction with landlords
Farming the field across the major slope.
Using No Till to keep crop residue on the surface and increase water infiltration.
Installation of grass waterways or sediment control basins (as needed).
Deep ripping to remove compaction
Using controlled field traffic patters to keep compaction to a minimum
Mint is harvested in the driest months of the year
Mow roadsides and edges of fields
Hand pick rocks
Trim brush as needed
We Maintain Fertile Soils By:
- initially a 1 acre grid soil test is completed followed by 2 1/2 grid testing every 3rd year
- pH is maintained at 6.8
- bring phosphorous soil test levels up to MSU medium level
- bring potassium soil test level up to MSU high level
- we use the results of our soil sampling maps to apply specific application rates of lime, phosphorus and potassium to the areas that need them
Higher Fertility Produces Higher Yielding and Higher Quality Crops …
Our family believes that strict fertility management practices need to be used to produce high quality and environmentally friendly products. Our high fertility in conjunction with No Till practices and good drainage increases soil organic matter. This benefits the farmer and increases the value of the landlord’s property.